Tuesday Night w/ the Kids
From: Brandi Hobratschk
To: "maria_isabelr@yahoo.com"
Hi Maria!
My name is Brandi Hobratschk, and I am the Case Manager at Gracewood’s Wanda Lane campus. Leslie Searle forwarded me your email address and told me that you and Fatima are interested in helping out with childcare on Tuesday night …… And I could not be more excited! I could definitely use the help. Right now I have 3 boys – one, 2 year old and two, 3 year olds – so things can get pretty interesting!
I have really been trying to spend time with them doing things that don’t involve watching television, but it is just really hard to keep track of them all. Not to mention our house has an open floor plan, which allows them to run a circle through the living room, play room and kitchen, and all of them want your undivided attention. So, even if it’s just dumping out all the toys and giving each of them a little extra attention and a playmate, that would be great. Also, if you all have any ideas for activities I’d be more than open to suggestions. Playing outside is great, but it get’s dark right around the time group starts. Also, sometimes someone will show up late and Mom has to leave for group and I have to make sure the little one gets dinner. So you can see where seeing to everyone’s needs gets difficult.
Group starts at 7:00pm and ends around 8:30pm. I would like for the two of you to come around 6:50 pm. Any time earlier cuts into dinner time and draws the boys’ attention away from eating (remember they’re 2 and 3), which causes frustration for Moms.
I can’t wait to meet you and Fatima, and I really appreciate your interest and willingness to offer your time and talents where help is truly needed. Childcare for a mere hour and a half may seem trivial, but our ladies work very hard all day long and knowing their children are getting a little extra attention means more to them than you could know. It also helps wear the boys down so bedtime comes sooner and with less resistance, and you cannot know how much of a relief that can be to them after a long day.
So just let me know when you would like to start. You can come this week if you would like. Group is every other week, so the next opportunity will be Tuesday, March 1st. Thank you again!
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